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This is a good place to put pictures, thumbnails, drawings, clip art, etc...

This is Fenwood, the most recent addition to our family. He has the calicivirus and will need to be on meds for the rest of his life, but he looks so happy and peaceful here.

This is Calico. She was hit by a car and was staying by her dead kitten when mom scooped her off the road. She's turned into daddy's little girl and she doesn't care for anyone else unless they're holding her food.
This is Darling. We caught her in a hav-a-hart trap on our porch. Her tail was partly degloved and had to be removed. Her back legs and hips were broken at one point and now that they've healed they are very stiff. We call her the dobercat because she looks like a doberman when she runs.
This is my little baby girl Sweetie. She's the strangest little thing you'd ever meet. We caught her and her brother on our porch in a hav-a-hart trap when they were tiny little hairballs. She has quite a few endearing quirks, for example: she won't eat kibble from the bowl,she'll scoop it with her paw and either eat it or throw it across the room so she can catch it. I don't think I can live without her.
This is my sister's cat, Lovie. He's my little girl's almost twin brother. He is the bigget pushover you'd ever meet. He is the sweetest furry beast i've ever known and he'll let you do just about anything to him. He is such a loving simple creature that he'll almost never fight back when the other cats take a jab at him. He's a furry punchingbag to them, but our favorite cat.
This is Dink(short for Ice and Blade's Not So Dinky Boy). He's so cute and so evil.
picture taken 5 seconds before he tried to grizzle my hands...
...a face only a mother could love...
This is the newest kitty in our household: Lucy. Isnt she so big and pretty? The moment mom saw her at the shelter she wanted her! So.. here she is ^ ^
Isn't he cute? He wants the fly someone closed in the window.
Now my baby wants the fly...
Oops. It's just out of their reach.
They're attracted to the camera.
Camera hog.
She really wants the resident blue jay family...